Terms of Service

WIMH Freebies Terms of Service

Revisied: Feburary 1st, 2024


Where Is My Hosting Support agrees to provide services to the client, subject to the following "Terms of Service". Where Is My Hosting Support, the company may be referred to as, ("WIMH Support"), ("Us"), ("We"), and the Client, ("Customer"), ("Client") and ("You"). All provisions of this contract are subject to change from time to time at the discretion of WIMH Support. Client must understand that change to the ToS shall not be grounds for early contract termination or non-payment. By logging into your account in anyway constitutes acceptance of these terms.

Refunds and Disputes
  1. 1. Services with the exception of domain names may be eligible for refund within the first 14 days of the creation of your account and domain registered. This point is marked by the initial “checkout” time and date found within WIMH Support billing and may differ from the time and date of initial payment. Refunds cannot be requested without probable cause. Domain names are also subject to a service check as defined in section 2 of this agreement prior to a refund being issued. As domain names require explicit provisioning, we are not able to provide refunds on these orders. The refund agreement may be restricted as per this agreement in previous or remaining sections.

  2. 2. Invoices are generated 7 days before due date. If you wish you cancel your service(s) with us, please cancel your service(s) prior to the invoice being generated. Otherwise you will need to cancel your subscription within PayPal. Additionally we do not offer refunds for any recurring payments after the first month's payment.
WIMH Support Payment Policy
  1. 1. Any payments to WIMH Support will not be applied to any other service provided by WIMH Support subsidiaries or related companies, other than those services provided by WIMH Support.
  2. 2. Any payments provided to WIMH Support companies other than WIMH Support are not applicable to WIMH Support Services.
  3. 3. WIMH Support may “share” payment gateways between WIMH Support companies at their own discretion. Part A and Part B of this section remain in effect for “shared” payment gateways.
Service Check

Service checks may be performed if WIMH Support receives complaint on any service. Service checks will include but are not limited to scanning all files for infected files, folder and if likely email accounts. If email accounts are found to be causing service issues such as blacklisting the IP then this can requests from receiving a refund if account will be terminated or suspended.


To terminate your services you must cancel any active services via our billing area. WIMH Support does not have access to any client's PayPal and/or CC card information. Therefore, we cannot and will not be responsible for unintended payments made via the automatic payment subscription if you don't manually cancel said subscription. Cancellation requests within the billing are processed in the order they are received, WIMH Support will not be liable for any client being charged for services they requested cancelled, if said cancellation was requested within 72 hours of next billing. You will not be refunded in this case.

Liability Limitation and Exclusion

WIMH Support, under no circumstances, shall be held liable for any data loss, disruption of information, or distribution of information including but not limited to that of unauthorized access to our server systems or any other loss of data. WIMH Support shall not be held liable for any disruption, delay, or disconnection of services for any period of time. WIMH Support is not responsible for any actions taken place on our server(s). The sole role of WIMH Support is to provide an account to host your data/website.

  1. 1. When a client orders a new service they are asked for personal information including but not limited to Full Name, Address, Phone Number, and Payment Information. It is the sole responsibility of the client to provide and maintain this information accurately and truthfully. WIMH Supoort reserves the right to cancel, suspend or terminate an account with information believed to be or deemed incorrect or fraudulent.
  2. 2. WIMH Support is not responsible for any fraudulent orders being placed within our systems and will turn over any information where required by law and or requested by Payment Gateways to resolve any dispute.
  3. 3. Creating multiple accounts is considered Fraud.
  4. 4. WIMH Support may use a 3rd party service to run checks on all information provided to WIMH Support. WIMH Support is not responsible for any accounts suspended, terminated or declined due to this 3rd party service. Additionally WIMH Support reserves the right to cancel, suspend, terminate, decline, remove or delete any service or user account in our system that violates or is believed to violate any or all parts of the "Fraud" section.

WIMH Support may continuously provide active promotions and “promotion codes” for new or current clients. WIMH Support may cancel or create any promotion or promotion code at anytime without notice.

Unfair Usage

If your service(s) are found to be using excessive amounts of resources past their permitted parameters, including but not limited to CPU or RAM, WIMH Support reserves the right to cancel, suspend, terminate service(s) in question without refund. Additionally if your account uses "plugins" or "mods" that create or store large files locally without WIMH Support approval, WIMH Support reserves the right to delete or move these files. In the case WIMH Support decides to no longer allow the lare hosting of files to only store and not relate to your site then WIMH Support reserves the right to terminate the files and require that you move off the server.

Server Account Security

All Clients of WIMH Support including but not limited to partners, sponsored people or entities or “general” clients are responsible for keeping their account(s) secure, and the following terms apply. These accounts include server access, Client area (my.wimh.support) AND OR any other WIMH Support service. WIMH Support is not responsible for theft or hacking of your passwords, or any “damage” related to such. Additionally all clients are only allowed one person per “username” or “login”. Providing multiple person(s) access to your account(s) is considered account sharing. It's the sole responsibility of the account holder to only give access to pearson(s) he “trusts”. WIMH Support is not responsible for lost files or “damaged” services due to the account holder or additional users deleting, moving or changing files. Finally WIMH Support will attempt to make contact with any client in violation of this section as follows

Termination and Privacy Policy

Additionally, we reserve all rights to terminate your service upon any violation of these terms, or any other basis if deemed necessary for the security or “well- being” of our servers and/or services Agreeing to the Terms Of Services additionally means you have read, understand and agree to the Privacy Policy located at https://www.whereismyhosting.support/privacy-policy


Support is available, WIMH Support reserves the right to offer support through different channels. Such as Helpdesk/Billing ticket System, Live Chat or Social Media, external messenger apps. The ticket system is the preferred method of support as all information is documented and recorded. Opening multiple tickets for the same issue within a short period of time constitutes abuse of our support ticket system and may result in termination of services. Swearing, threats and other abusive language will not be tolerated and may result in account termination without refund.

Harassment Policy

WIMH Support has a zero harassment tolerance policy. Harassment can be defined as the following:

  1. 1. Direct Personal Insult
  2. 2. Improper Language
  3. 3. Excessive Social Media messaging and/or external messenger messages/calls at unapproved times.(Approved times provided by WIMH Support)
  4. 4. Excessive use of “caps”

Any attempt to harass employee or client of WIMH Support is grounds for immediate termination without refund.

Email Policy

WIMH Support may send out emails throughout the year regarding promotions and WIMH Support change(s). You may choose not to receive marketing emails or promotions by unscribing to them at the bottom of the email. Certain emails can not be unsubscribe to such as WIMH Support changed. This is at the discretion of WIMH Support.